Our Pastors 我們的牧者

Senior Pastor’s Office 主任牧師辦公室

Rev. Dr. Albert Lam 林祥源牧師

Rev. Dr. Albert Lam 林祥源牧師

Senior Pastor 主任牧師

Albert Lam was born and raised in Hong Kong. From 1982 to 1990 he had served in the Philippines, first as Dean of Men at Biblical Seminary of the Philippines and then Resident Pastor at Grace Christian Church. In 1991, Pastor Lam and his wife, Wanda, responded to the call and invitation from Chinese Bible Church of San Diego to become her first full-time pastor. The vision of the Lam’s is to work with like-minded coworkers to build up the church of God and transform it to become a healthy and vibrantly missional community. Since then, this small church, in God’s grace, has gradually grown and branched out to five more churches in nearby regions. Pastor Lam received his initial ministerial training from Overseas Bible Seminary in Hong Kong and Religious Education training from Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. In 2004, he received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in California. Pastor Lam also preaches frequently at church retreats, pastors’ retreats and Bible conferences in North America, Europe and Asia. He is also an adjunct professor at various seminaries in California, teaching Homiletics and Church Growth. At present, Pastor Lam also serves as Vice-chair of Gospel Operation International, Chief Editor of Ambassador For Christ Magazine, and member of Visitation Team for Accreditation of Association of Theological Schools.

林祥源牧師在香港出生及長大。1982年至1990年間,曾擔任菲律賓聖經神學院講師及靈惠基督教會駐堂牧師. 1991年受美國加州聖地牙哥主恩堂之邀聘成為該會首位主任牧師。林牧師及其師母李絢華姊妹共同在該會負責牧養、教導、訓練及植堂工作, 林牧師的志向是要與眾同工一同建造健康成長並有宣教活力的教會, 使華人教會真能承接最後一棒, 成為強有力的宣教大軍。林牧師先後畢業於香港海外神學院及美國Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. 最後在威敏斯德神学院 (Westminster Theological Seminary)獲其教牧學博士學位。除教會工作外,林牧師亦經常受邀請在美國、加拿大、亞洲地區等主講各特會及夏令會。林牧師亦同時在北美中華福音神學院、正道神學院、海外神學院、台北中華福音神學院等擔任客座教授,教導碩士班及博士班課程。除牧會及教學以外,目前林牧師亦是美國使者雜誌總編輯(義務)、華人福音普傳會董事會副主席及美加神學協會(ATS) 認證訪查特派委員。

Pastor Wanda Lam 林李絢華傳道

Pastor Wanda Lam 林李絢華傳道

Church-wide Ministry Pastor 跨堂會事工牧者

Pastor Wanda was born and raised in Hong Kong. In 1982, she served at churches in the Philippines alongside her husband, Rev. Lam. In 1991, she continued serving with him as he took up ministry duties at CBCSD. In 2003, she became the Pastor of Pastoral Care, tending to the needs of pastors & ministries, oversees small group ministries and serves as a resource person for training lay counselors. She holds a M.A. in Pastoral Care from Bethel Seminary.In 2014 she became the Executive Pastor of the Mandarin Congregation at Main Campus, and in 2018 she became the Church-Wide Ministries Pastor.

林師母在香港出生及長大。先後畢業於香港海外神學院及美國伯特利 (Bethel) 神學院,主修教牧輔導。林師母曾在香港曾任女傳道工作。1982年與夫婿林祥源牧師到菲律賓華人教會事奉。1991年開始協助林牧師到主恩堂同心事奉。2003年受聘為教會關懷事工傳道,負責小組事工及靈性輔導並其他牧養與教導工作。2014年受聘為母堂國語堂執行牧者,2018年受聘為跨堂會事工牧者。

Rev. Mingsheng Qin 秦明生牧師

Rev. Mingsheng Qin 秦明生牧師

Pastor of Missions and Development 宣教及拓展事工牧師

Born and raised in Yunan, China, Pastor Qin was a university professor before leaving China. In 1991, he came to the U.S. as a visiting scholar and worked in the biomedical research field for more than 15 years. During the meantime, he became a believer in 1994. He sensed the calling to go into full-time ministry in 2001, so he begun studying at Bethel Seminary the following year and graduated in 2009. From 2010 to 2011 he served as a full-time pastoral intern, and later as an overseer of the evangelism ministry. He was the Executive Pastor of 4S Campus ministry and was ordained in 2018. In 2021, he received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Bethel Seminary.
Effective January 2021 he is Pastor of Missions and Development, leads the mission and online church development. He also oversees the church’s Downtown Worship Center ministry as an Executive Pastor.

秦牧師在中國雲南出生和長大,出國前為大學講師,1991年應邀來美作訪問學者,曾在生物技術公司從事新藥開發研究十五年。1994年在本會信主,2001年清楚蒙召,2002年進入伯特利神學院(Bethel Seminary)學習,2009年獲神學研究文學碩士。2010年至2011年在本會母堂全時間實習傳道,2011年10月隨同主任牧師到4S Ranch植堂並擔任4S分堂執行牧者,並於2018年被按牧成為4S分堂牧師。秦牧師於2021年在伯特利神學院獲得教牧學博士學位。現為本會宣教及拓展事工牧師,主要負責推动宣教及建立網絡無墻教會。此外,秦牧師同時也是市區敬拜中心的執行牧師。

Rev. Dr. Raymond Hsu 徐大生牧師

Rev. Dr. Raymond Hsu 徐大生牧師

Teaching Pastor (Volunteer) 教導事工牧師(義務)

Rev. Dr. Raymond Hsu was born in Taiwan, moved to Los Angeles during middle school, and shortly after became a Christian. In 1990, he graduated from Purdue University with the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and then worked in a high-tech industry for many years. In 2008, he responeded to God’s calling and resigned from his engineering job for full-time theological training. In 2010, he received the Master of Biblical Studies degree from Westminster Seminary of California and in 2013 the Ph.D. degree in Theology from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2014, he began to serve at China Evangelical Seminary North America as a resident professor in New Testament and in 2019 became the Academic Dean. He and wife Yi-Ying Lee have two daughters.

徐大生牧師出生於台灣,中學時移居美國洛杉磯,不久之後成為基督徒。1990年畢業於普渡大學(Purdue University)電機工程博士,在北美高科技工業界中工作十多年。2008年初回應神的呼召,辭職,全時間接受神學裝備,2010年畢業於加州威斯敏斯特神學院(Westminster Seminary California)聖經研究碩士,2013年底畢業於金門浸信會神學院(Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary)神學博士,主修新約。2014年加入北美中華福音神學院為專任教授,主教新約,並在2019年開始兼任教務部主任。徐大生牧師與妻子李宜霙有兩位女兒。

Main Campus 母堂

Rev. Joseph Gong 貢立江牧師

Rev. Joseph Gong 貢立江牧師

Mandarin Congregation Pastor 國語堂牧師

Rev. Joseph Gong was born and raised in Harbin, China. By God’s Grace, he became a Christian in 2000 after 3 years of spiritual searching while studying in Japan. When he was called into full-time ministry in 2003, he stopped his pursuit of a Doctorate degree of Social Psychology in Hokkaido University and enrolled at Logos Evangelical Seminary in the States to study for the Master of Divinity. After graduating in 2006, he served at First Chinese Baptist Church Los Angeles as their Mandarin pastor and was ordained as Reverend in 2011. After pastoring the church for 11 years, he joined the CBCSD pastoral staff as Mandarin Pastor at the Main Campus. Rev. Gong and his wife, Rose, were married in 1991 and have a son.


Pastor Rose Gong 陳煒傳道

Pastor Rose Gong 陳煒傳道

Mandarin Congregation Assistant Pastor 國語堂傳道

Pastor Rose Gong was born and raised in China. She became a Christian in 2000 while studying in Japan. In 2003, both she and her husband, Rev. Joseph Gong received the call for full-time ministry. Later the whole family came to the US and both she and her husband enrolled in Logos Evangelical Seminary. She graduated with a Master of Arts in Christian Studies (M.A.C.S.) in 2013 and then in 2019 received her Master of Theology (Th. M), majoring in the Old Testament. For more than a decade prior to her joining the pastoral staff team at CBCSD on June 1, 2019, Pastor Rose assisted Rev. Gong, when he served at the First Chinese Baptist Church Los Angeles and then at CBCSD.

陳煒傳道在中國出生及成長。赴日留學期間接觸福音,2000年接受耶穌為個人的救主。2003年與先生貢立江一起蒙全職事奉的呼召,隨後攜兒子一家三口來美,並和先生先後於美國正道福音神學院接受裝備。2013年基督教研究碩士科(M.A.C.S.)畢業;2019年神學碩士科(Th. M)畢業,主修舊約。2019年6月1日加入聖地牙哥主恩堂牧者團隊事奉,之前10多年協助先生在羅省第一華人浸信會國語堂和聖地牙哥主恩堂母堂國語堂事奉。

Rev. Tony Hao 劉保成牧師

Rev. Tony Hao 劉保成牧師

Lord's Grace (English) Congregation Pastor 英文堂牧師

Rev. Tony Hao was born and raised in the Philippines where, through the radio ministry of FEBC, he trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord in 1979. After graduating with his B.S. in Biology at California State Polytechnic University (Pomona), he taught at San Diego High School. In 1990, the Lord called him into full-time ministry and he studied at Talbot School of Theology. He obtained his Master of Divinity (1994), and his Master of Theology (2000) majoring in Bible Exposition. He served as pastor of the Evangelical Formosan Church of East Valley (Walnut CA) until 2005, and was teaching pastor at the Dallas Chinese Bible Church (Richardson TX) until 2009. From 2009-2022, Rev. Hao was professor of Hermeneutics and Homiletics at the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines, and served as its eighth president (2019-2022). He is married to his wife, Jennifer, and they have two sons, Nathan and Joel.

劉保成牧師在菲律賓出生及長大,1979年通過遠東廣播電台的福音廣播接受了耶穌基督為救主。大學時期就讀於加州州立理工大學,主修生物學,之後就任聖地牙哥中學成為生物學老師。之後於1990年回應了主的全職事奉的呼召,他進入了Talbot 神學院,獲道學碩士(M.Div.) 及神學碩士 (Th.M.)學位(主修釋學)。劉牧師後應聘於東安台福教會任英文部牧師(至2005年)。之後亦在德州達城中國基督徒教會任職教導牧師,直至2009年。從2009年至2022年,劉牧師受邀成為菲律賓聖經神學院教授,主授釋經學及講道學。之後劉牧師被委任成為該院第八任院長(2019-2022)。劉牧師與師母Jennifer育有兩名兒子,大兒子Nathan就讀大學,小兒子Joel就讀中學。

Pastor Edward Chiu 趙崇雁傳道

Pastor Edward Chiu 趙崇雁傳道

Acting Cantonese Pastor 粵語堂代理牧者

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Pastor Edward Chiu came to United States for college in 1990. After obtaining his B.S. in Computer Science degree from University of Nevada, Reno in 1993, he started as a software engineer and eventually became Vice President of Engineering in a public-safety & public-health focused software solution provider. In 2009 he was called by the Lord into ministry and started his seminary study. He completed his Master of Divinity degree from Bethel Seminary San Diego in 2015. He is married to his beautiful wife, Vivian, since 2003, and they have one energetic son.

趙崇雁傳道在香港出生和成長。他在1990年來到美國上大學,於1993年在內華達州大學雷諾分校完成電腦科學(電子計算機)學士學位課程,從此他成為一個電腦軟件工程師,在2003年開始成為一間軟件公司的副總裁。他蒙神呼召,於2009年開始在聖地牙哥伯特利神學院 (Bethel Seminary San Diego) 進修神學課程,並於2015年完成道學碩士學位。趙崇雁傳道和他美麗的妻子古慧雯姊妹在2003年結婚,育有一個很活躍的男孩子趙必安。

Rev. Tim Lo 盧光道牧師

Rev. Tim Lo 盧光道牧師

Youth Ministry Pastor 青少年牧師

Tim is from the suburbs of Boston, MA, where much of his identity and personal faith was shaped by growing up as an ethnic (Asian) and religious (Christian) minority. Into his teenage years he began to understand that centering a life around Jesus meant much more than just attending church and being a moral person–it is a new identity and changed values because of the historical events of Christ. Tim felt called to serve God in volunteer and then full-time church work. He double majored in Philosophy and Theology at Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL), and received his Masters of Divinity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton, MA). He is married to Mindy, who is from New Jersey, and they have three children, Mia, Chloe, and Aiden. A lifelong Chinese church youth pastor, Tim served for 13 years in New Jersey, Boston, and L.A. before coming to the main campus at the Chinese Bible Church of San Diego. Tim enjoys a wide variety of non-alcoholic drinks including smoothies, boba, coffee, tea, and even soda. He loves eating out at quality restaurants, staying on top of fashion trends, and keeping informed about developing technology. Sports he enjoys but rarely gets to do include snowboarding/skiing, learning to surf, rock climbing (bouldering), mountain biking, roller hockey, soccer, basketball, and wrestling.

盧牧師來自於馬薩諸塞州波士頓的郊區,在他成長的過程中,作為少數民族(亞洲人)及少數宗教(基督教)信仰者,這個地方塑造了他大部分的身份和個人信仰。他十幾歲的時候,他開始明白,以耶穌為中心的生活不僅僅意味著參加教會和成為一個有道德的人,而是一種新的身份,也是一種由於基督的歷史事蹟而形成的價值觀的改變。盧牧師被神呼召,他先是以志願者的身份在教會事奉神,後是全職服事。他曾在惠頓學院(Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL)主修哲學和神學,並在戈登 – 康維爾神學院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA)獲得道學碩士學位。他的太太Mindy,來自新澤西州,他們育有三個孩子,Mia,Chloe和Aiden。盧牧師來到聖地牙哥主恩堂母堂服事之前,一直都在華人教會做青少年牧師,曾在新澤西州,波士頓和洛杉磯服事了13年。盧牧師喜歡各種非酒精飲料,包括冰沙,波霸,咖啡,茶,甚至蘇打汽水。他喜歡在優質餐廳用餐,走在服裝潮流的尖端,並隨時了解科技發展的情況。他喜歡運動不過很少有參與,這些運動包括了單板滑雪/滑雪,學習衝浪,攀岩(抱石),山地自行車,輪式曲棍球,足球,籃球和摔跤。

Pastor Melody Lai 黃樂頌傳道

Pastor Melody Lai 黃樂頌傳道

Pastor of Children's Ministry 兒童事工傳道

Melody Lai completed her Master’s degree in Children and Family Ministry at Bethel Seminary in 2022. She received her Bachelor’s in Piano Performance, Music in Canada, where she is originally from. She then went to the United States, where she received her Master’s in Piano Performance. She has worked with kids for over 30 years in many different contexts. Her lifelong passion and calling has been to see kids come to know Jesus, and to walk with them in their spiritual formation. She is also passionate in supporting families in their faith journey and in the spiritual nurture of their children. Melody is married to Joe Lai and together they have two lovely daughters, Abigail and Elizabeth. Her family loves playing worship music together, playing board games, and traveling to the National Parks. She is excited to be serving the CBCSD families and the community!

黃樂頌姊妹在2022年完成修讀 Bethel Seminary 「兒童及家庭事工碩士學位」。在加拿大出生及成長的 Melody, 在大學本科及碩士均是唸鋼琴演奏。她參與兒童事工超過30多年,而她畢生的熱情和呼召是看到孩子們認識耶穌,並在他們的屬靈塑造上與他們同行。 她還熱衷於支持家庭的信仰之旅和孩子的精神培養。 Melody與黎秉榮弟兄Joe 結婚,他們有兩個可愛的女兒Abigail和Elizabeth。 她與家人喜歡一起彈奏敬拜音樂、玩棋盤遊戲和去國家公園旅行。 她很高興能服事主恩堂大家庭!

Central Campus 中區堂

Rev. Donald Liu 劉孝棟牧師

Rev. Donald Liu 劉孝棟牧師

Central Campus Advisory Pastor 中區堂顧問牧師

Rev. Donald Liu was born in Taiwan, Rev. Donald Liu became a Christian in college. After obtaining his Electrical Engineering Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, he worked as a computer engineer for 15 years. In 2002, the calling to full-time ministry became very clear. In 2003 he was selected by the congregation to help plant Central Campus. Pastor Donald graduated from Bethel Seminary with a M. Div. degree in 2005 and became a reverend in 2008.

劉牧師祖籍山東,在台灣出生;大學時代信主。來美留學獲Carnegie Mellon 大學電機博士學位,後在工業界服務十多年。2002年清楚蒙召,全時間服事神。2003年被本會差派,建立中區堂。2005年從伯特利(Bethel)神學院獲道學碩士,2008年被按立成為牧師。

Rev. Jeff Huang 黃奇峯牧師

Rev. Jeff Huang 黃奇峯牧師

Central Campus Resident Pastor 中區堂駐堂牧師

Rev. Jeff Huang was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States when he was 13. He trusted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord when he was a junior in high school. During his time at UCLA for undergraduate and graduate school, he received God’s call to vocational ministry. Pastor Jeff has served in a Christian radio broadcasting company for 2 years, in 3 Chinese churches for 23 years before joining Chinese Bible Church of San Diego, Temecula Valley Campus, as the Resident Pastor in August 2018. In April 2024, Pastor Jeff was reassigned to the Central Campus as the Resident Pastor.  Pastor Jeff received his theological training from Talbot School of Theology. He is married to his wife, Jackie, and they have two daughters.

黃牧師十三歲從台灣移民到美國。十六歲信靠主耶穌基督為他生命的救主。他在加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 讀書時,回應神的呼召。先在遠東廣播公司服事兩年,又在北美華人教會牧會二十三年。2018年8月成為特美谷主恩堂的駐堂牧師。2024年4月因為教會需要,接受調派轉任中區主恩堂的駐堂牧師。黃牧師畢業於Talbot神學院,與師母有兩個女兒。

Pastor Angela Fu 趙苑華傳道

Pastor Angela Fu 趙苑華傳道

Central Campus Caring Assistant Pastor 中區堂傳道

She accepted Christ a year after immigrating from Taiwan to the States in 1985. In 2004, she and her husband established a church in Frederick, Maryland. In 2006 she received her M.A. in Christian counseling from Capital Bible Seminary (Lanham, MD) and in 2011 she received a Maryland professional counseling license. For 6 years she served as counseling minister at Chinese Gaithersburg Chinese Alliance Church; afterwards, she worked as professional counselor for a year at Centre Point Christian counseling agency. When her husband received the calling to full-time ministry, they moved their entire family and dog by driving across the country to sunny southern California in 2015. Pastor Angela began serving at CBCSD Central Campus in 2016. She and her husband have 2 lovely grown children.

生長在台灣,1985年來美國,一年後信主。2004年,與丈夫建立費德烈城恩典華人教會。同時,在Capital Bible Seminary (Lanham, MD)進修,2006 年拿到基督徒心理輔導碩士學位,2011年,拿到馬里蘭州專業心理輔導師執照。在蓋城華人宣道會做輔導主任六年,之後,在Centre Pointe 基督教專業輔導中心工作一年。因丈夫被主呼召全職事奉,在2015八月賣了房子,帶著四十箱家產與一隻狗,橫跨美國來到南加州。丈夫在北美華神就讀,于2016 年一月中開始加入中區主恩堂的服事團隊。有兩個上大學的孩子。

North Campus 北區堂

Pastor William Fu 傅惟仁傳道

Pastor William Fu 傅惟仁傳道

North Campus Resident Pastor 北區堂駐堂牧者

Pastor William was born and raised in Taiwan. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord in 1986 through a Bible study group on campus in the States. After obtaining his Ph.D. in biochemistry at West Virginia University, he worked as a research scientist for about 25 years. In 2014 the Lord called him to become a full-time minister through a short-term mission trip. In 2017, he obtained a M.Div. degree from China Evangelical Seminary North America and then joined the CBCSD pastoral staff. He is married to his wife, Pastor Angela, and they have two grown children.

傅傳道於台灣出生及成長。1986年,他於美國的校園查經班中接受耶穌基督為個人救主。於西維吉尼亞大學獲得生物化學博士學位後,他曾擔任研究科學家約25年。於2014年,主藉著短宣呼召他全時間事奉。 2017年,他於北美中華福音神學院獲得道學碩士學位並加入了主恩堂的教牧團隊。他與妻子趙苑華傳道有兩個已成年的子女。

Temecula Valley Campus 特美谷堂

Pastor Ning Ke 柯寧傳道

Pastor Ning Ke 柯寧傳道

Temecula Valley Campus Intern Pastor 特美谷堂見習傳道

Pastor Ning was born in Nanjing and raised in Tianjin, China.  After obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology from NanKai University in 1990, he came to the US to further his studies and received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Iowa State University in 1997.  He moved to San Diego in 1999 and begins working in the biotech industry for many years.  In 2014, Pastor Ning became a believer at CBCSD Central Campus and began to serve in various ministries soon after.  He was called to vocational ministry in 2017, started seminary study in 2019, and obtained his Master of Divinity from Talbot School of Theology in 2023.  Pastor Ning begins as a part-time intern pastor at CBCSD in January of 2024.  He is married to his lovely wife, Yang Wang, and they have a daughter Livia and a son Kyle.

柯寧傳道出生于南京,在天津長大。他于1990年在南開大學取得分子生物學學士學位,後赴美繼續深造,并於1997年在愛荷華州立大學獲得遺傳學博士學位。他于1999年遷居加州聖地亞哥,并在生物技術領域進行癌症研究工作多年。柯寧傳道于2014年在中區主恩堂受洗歸於主名下,並開始在各樣不同的事工服事。他于2017年被神呼召全職服事,在2019年開始在塔爾博特神學院接受裝備,并於2023年獲得道學碩士學位。柯寧傳道自2024年1月起成爲聖地亞哥主恩堂的部分時間實習傳道。他與妻子王暘有兩個孩子, 女兒Livia和兒子Kyle。