2022 English Mission Conference Speakers

Pastor Alexander John

Pastor Alexander John, or Pastor Alex, is the Senior Pastor of the India Christian Fellowship San Diego – Missionary to Indian Immigrants to Southern California.

He planted ICF in 2003.  https://www.icfsandiego.org/history

He did his theological studies in India and  Southern California Seminary El Cajon ( Masters in Counselling Psychology) MACP.

He is married to Blessy for 25 + years, has three children ages 23, 16 and 9.  They live in Escondido.

Pastor Bond Gaona

Pastor Bond and Heather Gaona have had the opportunity to serve the Lord in Nepal, India, Uganda, China. They have been married for 23 years and planted a church in San Diego where Bond was the Senior Pastor for many years. In Fall 2011, they answered the call to GO and serve as full-time missionaries with Saving Grace World Missions. They minister in Asia and Africa and are passionate about providing biblical training for Pastor’s and Leader’s, discipling nationals, planting churches amongst the unreached and sharing the Gospel with those who have never before heard the name of Jesus.