復活節崇拜 Easter Sunday Service
2020-04-12 星期日 Sunday
網上直播 Live-Streaming
國語崇拜 Mandarin 8:55am | 粵語崇拜 Cantonese 10:45am
兒童崇拜 Children 10:15am | 英語崇拜 English 10:45am
青少年 Youth 9:00am
粵語崇拜聖餐 -請自備葡萄汁,如沒有葡萄汁,用平時餐用的葡萄酒也可以。餅方面可以用一塊普通的餅乾,如沒有,一塊普通白麵包也可以。如果葡萄汁、葡萄酒都沒有,白水一杯,以水當酒都可以。最重要的是以心靈和誠實去敬拜祂。
Communion for Cantonese Worship -Please prepare your own grape juice or table red wine and biscuit or white bread. You can also substitute water for grape juice or red wine if you have neither. The most important thing is to worship Him in spirit and in truth.