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Rev. Dr. Albert Lam 林祥源牧師

Senior Pastor 主任牧師

By God’s grace, Chinese Bible Church of San Diego (CBCSD) has been growing steadily since it started in 1987. We are still inadequate in many ways, so we humbly rely upon God’s mercy as we seek breakthroughs in our maturity, love, faith, and knowledge. Our goal is not to establish a big religious organization, but rather, our vision is to allow God to mold us into a healthy body of Christ. May all whom God brings to our church experience His love, and see His sovereignty upheld, His gospel proclaimed, His holiness revealed, and His name being glorified through us.

CBCSD is a non-denominational Christian church. In addition to the Main Campus in Carmel Mountain/Rancho Bernardo area, we have 4 campuses in San Diego and Riverside Counties: West, Central, North, and Temecula. The West Campus became independent in 2010 and is now called Living Water Bible Church. We also have a Downtown Worship Center serving seniors in the San Diego city center.

感謝神的帶領,聖地牙哥主恩堂 (Chinese Bible Church of San Diego) 自一九八七年開始以來一直在穩步中成長,我們深知自己還有許多不足之處及未得之地,我們願虛心的仰望主的憐憫,在信心,愛心,知識的廣度與深度上尋求更多的突破與成長。我們存在的目的不是要建立一個龐大的宗教團體,我們的異象乃是要讓神在各方面建造我們,使主恩堂能成為一個健康的教會。我們盼望每位來到這教會的人都能在這裏看見主的王權被高舉,主的福音被廣傳,主的愛能被感受,主的聖潔能被顯明,主的名字在我們身上得著榮耀。

主恩堂是一個以聖經為信仰基礎的基督教教會,並不屬於任何宗派。母堂位於 Carmel Mountain/Rancho Bernardo 區,而4個分堂分佈於 San Diego 和 Riverside 縣: 西區堂、中區、北區、特美谷堂。西區堂於2010年成為獨立教會,稱為「西區主恩堂」。我們也在 San Diego 市中心開設「市區敬拜中心」。

CBCSD has multiple locations in the San Diego area and beyond.   Hope to see you at a campus near you.



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