CBCSD Main Campus Hiring College and Young Adult Pastor

CBCSD Main Campus Hiring College and Young Adult Pastor

The Chinese Bible Church San Diego (CBCSD) is looking for applicants for a full-time College and Young Adult Pastor to lead a growing multiethnic English-speaking ministry. CBCSD is a non-denominational Christian church. This position will be at the Main Campus, one...
CBCSD Main Campus Hiring College and Young Adult Pastor

CBCSD Central Campus Hiring Youth Ministry Intern

Central Campus is seeking an intern to assist the Youth pastor in weekly operations. Youth Ministry intern responsibilities: (~10 hours per week) Participate in weekly meetings with the pastors to arrange youth programs and to pray for our youth. Aassist Youth Pastor...
CBCSD Main Campus Hiring College and Young Adult Pastor

CBCSD Central Campus Hiring Full-time Youth Pastor

Chinese Bible Church San Diego (CBCSD) Central Campus invites applications for a full-time Youth Pastor position to minister to English-speaking youths from a congregation of Chinese American professionals and new immigrants. We are seeking a Godly, caring individual...
CBCSD Main Campus Hiring College and Young Adult Pastor


聖地牙哥中區主恩堂根植於華人專業人士及新移民雲集的新興社區,經過近二十年的發展,蒙主恩典已經成長為一個由兩百多熱心愛主的會眾組成的健壯教會,包括成人國語部、青少年英文部、兒童部。 因應教會增長的需要,我們尋求一位全職駐堂牧師(Lead Pastor),能夠與同工團隊一起帶領中區主恩堂會眾同奔天路。   駐堂牧師將負責牧養、教導會眾,帶領中區現有的教牧團隊策劃及推動各項事工(福音、關顧、門徒訓練、團契小組建造),統籌教會的各方面工作。...