耶稣受難節崇拜 Good Friday Service 【耶稣受難節崇拜】教會將於 4月10 日晚 7:30 於網上直播受難節崇拜。國、粵、英語透過不同頻道播出。請弟兄姐妹預備參加,並自備葡萄汁,如沒有葡萄汁,用平時餐用的葡萄酒也可以。餅方面可以用一塊普通的餅乾,如沒有,一塊普通白麵包也可以。如果葡萄汁、葡萄酒都沒有,白水一杯,以水當酒都可以。最重要的是以心靈和誠實去敬拜祂。網上連結將會日後在教會網站 cbcsd.com 和電郵通告。 【Good Friday Worship】 The church will live...
Download Form “Danny and the Shacks” Children’s Ministry of Chinese Bible Church of San Diego presents: “Danny and the Shacks” –2020 Children’s Spring Musical Date: January 19, Kick Off Party @ 1:30-3:30pm; January 26 –April 1, Rehearsals @...
国语 粤语 幸福讲座 精彩人生故事与您分享! 2019年11月10/17/24日 母堂 国语 8:55AM 粤语 10:45AM 12335 World Trade Drive, #2, San Diego 西区 9:30AM 6601 Convoy Court, San Diego 中区 9:55AM Performing Arts Ctr, 13500 Camino Del Sur, San Diego 4S 10:30AM 9050 Maranatha Drive, San Diego 北区 2:00PM 165...
Registration for 2019-2020 AWANA has begun. It will run from Sep. 6, 2019, through May 15, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Anh (anhqhang@gmail.com). Online registration for 2019-2020...
The 2019 VBS will be held on Jun. 24-28. The theme this year for the morning program is “Roar!: Life is Wild, God Is Good“, and the theme for the afternoon program is “Beyond the Gold,” led by UW Sports Ministry. Please follow the link below to register for VBS. If...